So in the time between the last entry, I've been pretty busy. For starters, I built myself an arcade cab-esque entertainment center. Check it out:
I also rearranged the lab and put in another bookshelf, which let me nicely display my figures and books instead of just stacking things everywhere.
More importantly, I graduated from Uni. It was a pretty big undertaking. But with each milestone, I feel distracted. I don't wanna say each milestone isn't a big deal, but by the time I reach each one, I already have my eyes set on another goal.
And I've always been like this, working on or looking for the next big project or fun thing to do. As I was wrapping up uni, I was neck deep in voiceover projects (and trust me folks, you'll be getting your stuff soon, I promise), grad work, nerdy hobby news, and IRL shenanigans.
So while everyone else was all lost in the moment, and blown away by grad fever, I was thinking about the rest of my life. It's a horrible habit, and ironic considering my acting training has taught me to really engage and live in each moment. But every once in a while, I wake up with this feeling that screams, "What are you doing with your self," and, "are you happy right now?"
And now, more than ever, I've been actually pretty happy. Like, legitimately happy. This must be the fabled "honeymoon phase". When you finish a large project or come back from a journey, what's the first thing you wanna do? You wanna catch up on all the things you've missed. I told myself that I really missed acting, and due to finals projects and IRL happening, I put that aside, along with all my nerdy hobbies. Now that I'm out of Uni, I feel more strongly inclined to actually spend time with people.
Not like there's anything wrong with that, but I recently missed an audition, and a BIG one at that, and it made me feel the same way I did when I was at Uni. But at the same time, I can't help but feel happy to finally do things like build things, see friends, and play video games again. Really, my gaming mania makes my friends suggest I switch over to gaming journalism or critique. Hell, sometimes I muse about going back into design or writing. Really, I started out in voiceover because I wanted to be like Daisuke Ishiwatari, and design and develop my own game using my own talents. And then I go back to feeling odd and empty, like I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
And that is the challenge of a creative, let alone someone who acts. To be good at what I do, I must gain life experience. But if I'm constantly out living life, when do I get a chance to be creative? For the first time in a long while, I'm actually rather happy. There's nobody else I'd rather be than me at the moment. We have a new Megaman (even though I'm not in it, which absolutely crushes my soul), there's a bunch of new mini consoles coming out, I have a fancy new cabinet to enjoy my games, I'm talking to people I haven't spoken to in a while, and now I'm finally moving on ahead.
... or so I think. The last few pieces of advice I've been getting lately by voiceover professionals that I've been speaking with is, "take it to the next level". And for a while, I've been really contemplating that. I still don't have a definite answer, other than the golden rule, "Keep at your craft, and let your love and passion guide you as you continue to play, grow, and learn". Hell, these days I just condense it into, "Keep doing cool things." But I think I truly do need to learn more. That or mingle with more important folks. So, I'm now changing gears again and flying off to learn from another pro. Who is it this time? That's a surprise. :p
I know I'm already hella unreliable, torn between things I'm asked of and the things I truly wanna do. If I want to prove I have the acting chops, I have to keep auditioning and working with others. More importantly, working with others also helps with networking, which is essential in this day and age. But I also want to do what I wanna do. And I'm confident that I can make it work, but some projects I cannot work alone on. I got lucky with my current one, but I can't Speed Racer everything. That's also too egotistic.
Plus, now that I'm out of school I have this overwhelming urge to just go back to playing. I don't want to go back to a NEET, of course, but I want to be able to live life and have friends. Truly, the personal draught of gaming and anime has ended. A new Megaman, a Kunio collection, and now the Hi Score Girl anime. My inner geek is getting fired up.
As always, thank you for taking your time to read this, whoever you are. I'm sorry we don't talk as much these days.
Don't want you to leave empty-handed, so check out some of my latest voiceover shenanigans:
NekoPara - Cramping
As always, do be sure to check out the tweeter to catch up on my latest shenanigans.
'Til the next time.
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