Blog Archive

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Megaman Battle Network 5: Team Tag Battle

Finally finished my twitter writeup for the Progress Chip Gate.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Crazy Curry Combat! (Yep!)

 This is probably my favorite part of this game.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Megaman Anniversary 2020: A piece based on a piece of peace

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Happy Birthday, EXE 3!

While 2 is absolutely my favorite Battle Network, 3 is definitely in the running for second, as it's just an amazingly fun game all around. Even the Plant and Flame scenarios weren't so bad, once you memorize which Heat/Aqua chips are common drops(or findable beneath vines, as in Plant's scenario). The game even frequently throws Spikeys and Shrimpys often enough, that you're bound to have a few spares by the time you need to use the EnergyChange program.

But enough about all that, Happy Birthday Battle Network 3! Although this is just the first star, it's the first step to the super lengthy and challenging postgame. The quest for all 7 stars is on, and they're going to be mine this time!

Additional commentary on the vid descriptions.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The only thing more powerful than Gutsman throwing Megaman, is Lan throwing Megaman

(For those of you who don't know yet, I sometimes do live reads on twitter to keep in shape, acting-wise. Check 'em out as they turn up! I'll try to start mirroring them here or something, so they're not lost in the vast reaches of the twittersphere.) 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Game on, TONE, for everlasting peace!

This was how I spent my birthday:

And in case you missed it, I did a super stream of Megaman 1-11, split across 2 days. Of note, I actually did a live read of 10, recorded on YT for future generations to enjoy:

Sunday, September 27, 2020

It's not the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

It's been... quite a year, hasn't it?

I know I have a nasty habit of just up and disappearing, but this time around, it's almost like the world was the one pulling a vanishing act.

If anyone out there still comes here, and is reading this, I sincerely hope you're doing okay. Are you sleeping well? Getting enough to eat?

Since we last got together, I tried to "hit the continue button", and in turn, to resume my life. But you ever experience a setback that causes you to lose a bunch of progress, and suddenly you're back at an earlier part of the game? That's what my brain did, and suddenly, I had all sorts of anxiety and negative thoughts floating around my head again, as if I was back almost a decade or so ago.

And let me tell you, though my love for vintage anime and games is no secret, this was one point in the past I was absolutely fine not reliving.

But since the pandemic started, I gradually shifted back into my super NEET habits, and ended up feeling like a mess for a while. But as of late, I feel like I'm slowly making my way back out. Everyone else is trying really hard to get through all this, so I have to do my best too.

And so! I've decided to dust off the ol' blog and finally put some fun stuff on here, like the good ol' days.

Since this is 2020, I figured I'd try something new, and just start embedding the stuff from twitter onto here. While I feel as though I've less worth really writing about these days, I feel as though some of the research I do for twitter at least should be somehow catalogued. I've got this blog, so I may as we get some use out of it, right?

And so, I shall continue doing my thing, and spreading joy through the powers of prose, sound and gaming.

... speaking of which, if you haven't already noticed about my move to twitter as my primary platform, I've been posting some gameplay and science now and then. Please feel free to like, subscribe, follow, and retweet!

A big thank you to you, dear reader, for reading this far, and to all of you who have been reading all this time. Please continue supporting me on my ventures.